To Curate and Associate

Social Media and Digital Publications Surfed

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Listly as a Curation Tool

images-1Listly is a “Social Curation Mojo” that curates the best social media right to your site. Everything you need to keep up with the times, but not be so serious, is on You can easily set up a free account, create content, upload, set up polls, and votes, and even embed into your own site. The idea is to constantly be aware of the social aspects of the internet.

Summary- is a great site to understand all the media and social hoopla that can be a great and low key topic of conversation. Being able to join in and become a active user adds to the whole curation experience. also has it’s own wordpress plugin, so it can easily be installed onto any website. The level of user friendliness is a great way to implement onto any website. The premise is to create lists, of whatever you want to share. Here’s a create list of Top Business and Enntreprenuerial podcasts to show the different ways can be utilized.

Criteria- is definitely easy to use and navigate, and people are obviously using this site. It’s a great and easy way to build different lists of whatever your interests and “print” them onto a social media network. They use a Terms and Conditions page to bring awareness to licensing issues and agreements. They simply state:

“We claim no intellectual property rights over the material you provide to the Service. However, you agree: (i) that by providing such material to the Service you grant Boomy Labs a perpetual, royalty-free license to use and display such material on the Service in accordance with these Terms of Service; (ii) to allow others to view your content upon signing up for the Service”

As a way to let users know what they are allowed and not allowed to publish. This criteria is important for the owners of the site from a legal perspective as they are curating up to the minute posts on social media.


I really enjoyed learning more about as a great way to keep up to date with social media and other important topics. However, I am not a big fan of all social media, and when I was searching through there was a lot of celebrity related content. I’m not interested in curating lists about celebrities, and it took me awhile to find the business lists. This being said, if you know where and how (it is pretty easy, a search link is in the upper right hand corner) to look, you can easily skim through topics that suite your interests.

It’s a interesting concept that I completely get the idea of, but I feel I’ve seen this all over the place. Pinterest being one. Creating lists, boards, albums, etc are essentially the same idea with different packaging. (I’m still obsessed with pinterest.)


I recommend if you’re someone who has expansive interests and like to group things into categories. Also, I noticed the clientele is pretty young. I would consider using as another business tool and outlet, and am already considering signing up. Although, do I really need another website to remember my username and password? Take a quick look for yourself and see if is for you!

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Digital Inventory

images1. Hi, my name is Lindsey and I’m an avid internet user (que: Hi Lindsey). I’m a UNLV senior who is taking 6 classes, started a new business, and since that wasn’t enough, hosting a sex education/pro health festival on campus. Needless to say, I utilize electronic media in not only my academic life, but my personal and business life as well. The internet has become a resource for me to obtain information, but to also leave an imprint on the internet. By getting information out there, I am able to attract attention to my business and furthermore myself. This comes in all types of forms like twitter, facebook, wordpress, pinterest, tumblr, youtube, etc. My electronic media usage isn’t just another aspect to my daily routine, but it’s apart of me, and my business.

2. My typical two-way electronic media use consists mainly of my cell phone and email to communicate on a daily basis. Sometimes I add facebook in the mix, and sometimes skype depending on the day. For the most part it’s just cell phone and email. I typically use these to communicate for work with business people. It’s great to have my email on my phone so I’m available at the touch of a button if there’s a problem, and in business, there’s always a problem. I remember using email along time, when I got my first account, as nothing more than a profile to take online quizzes and chat with friends in the message section. AOL anyone? Sadly, I think I still remember several of my screen names and their passwords. Now I utilize my accounts way more efficiently.

3. My social media posts, specifically on pinterest reveal my interest and construct my online identity by what I chose to post and “like”. I created this account less than a year ago and I have over 10 boards of varies likes, and a surplus of likes and comments on my friends boards. These pins allow me to create a digital pin board of pretty photos of the things I like. It’s soothing, relaxing, and helps me wind down from a stressful day. Sometimes I like to re-post photos from friends in my feed, or find photos pertaining to my mood and what I want to look at. Honestly, it’s mostly food. I like to look at pictures of yummy food while I eat not so yummy food because I don’t always have time to cook. I go a little crazy on the food photos. I once re-posted over 100 photos in one sitting. I then went and got In-and-Out because I was starving. These boards and posts show who I am by what I chose to express. Some days I chose to post pictures of food, others of cute animals, or etc. It’s just a great way to express your interests without being judged or rejected.

4. I actually had a blog not too long ago that I routinely posted on. Unfortunately I just got too busy and stopped all together. Screen Shot 2013-03-09 at 4.51.05 PMThe premise of my blog was to offer lengthy reviews and personal photos of places in Vegas pertaining to the Strip. So I would go to a pool, take photos, enjoy the experience, and then write about the pros and cons. I also offered ways to get into the more “Exclusive” areas that you typically have to pay for or wait in long lines. It was essentially the “insiders scoop” of Vegas day and nightlife. This blog was no means “popular,” but it was seen by one nightlife event host who in turn invited me to her continuous events at Vanity Nightclub. It was a great representation of how a simple blog can carry over into everyday life. I used blogger for this blog, but I’ve now switched over to wordpress for my new blog that is also attached to my business. As shown by my old blog and new blog, I’m really not afraid of what to post and if I offend anyone. After all, freedom of speech, right?

5. The distinction between social and academic/professional uses of media are very different. With academic/professional it’s important to put your best foot forward. While I might post drunk photos of myself relaxing by a pool on my facebook for my friends to envy, I would never do the same for a academic/professional blog or any reason really. I keep everything very separate from one another. I do however like to leave a digital “trail” of sorts with everything I do, so I happen to actually utilize my facebook for all three subjects. I do keep my facebook very professional, and if I do post a unprofessional photo, I hide it from people in certain categories, like academic and professional. I do keep my emails separate. I have 2 emails for academic, 1 for personal, and 1 for business. I find this is the easiest way to sort through what’s important and reduce missing what is important.

Social media and electronic usage is a vital aspect in today’s culture to effectively communicate and expand ourselves. By staying in touch with people we’ve briefly met on vacation, or took a class with, we are also expanding our networks to reach out to. All of these things and more are an important consideration when creating our own PLN’s and curating our own projects. It’s important now more than ever to branch out and leave a lasting impression on the internet in order to be a part of something bigger than ourselves.

Please feel free to get in touch with me:


What is Content Curation?

I chose this website because it clearly defines what content curation is and why it is important. This website also explains who does content curation and how content curation can be accomplished. This makes the curation project in this class a little easier to understand. This site also includes some recommendations.
While evaluating this resource, I specifically checked to see if the content was relevant to the class as a whole. I also evaluated the website for readability and clarity.
This source should be read because it defines what content curation is and why it is important. It also is a great starting point for doing content curation for this class.

Post By: Bridget Baumgarte